Friday, April 4, 2014

Bentlee is almost 2!!!

We're having major computer issues 'round here, therefore my blog has been the last thing on my mind. But I HAVE to post Bentlee's two year pictures, and write down some Bentleeisms before I forget.

She has learned the word sorry and sometimes uses it all on her own. A couple different times today she accidentally hurt me by leaning on me too hard and when I said "Ow" she replied quickly with "Sowwy mommy" in the most sincere little voice. I'm not gonna lie, I totally faked getting hurt again just to hear her say it. It's soooo cute. However, the times that she is purposefully naughty like when she HITS HER MOMMY, it takes a little coaxing to get her to apologize.

When she wants to know where something or someone is she asks, "Daddy/mommy/buddy/etc....Whe awwww youu?" That is also THE cutest thing ever. We love it. The other day I wondered out loud where the TV remote was and the next thing I knew my little helper was wandering around the living room asking, "Mote....whe awwwwww youuuu?"

Her favorite time of day is when her beloved men return from work. She lights up and exclaims, "buddy home!" and "daddy home!" And then again, in case I didn't hear her or happen to see them walk right in front of my face she repeats, "Mommy....daddy home!"

When people ask Bentlee how old she's going to be she replies "2" and holds up her two fingers in the "loser" sign. Although today she told someone 9. Those are her 2 very favorite numbers. When people ask her name she also replies, "2". :)

She loves all of our family members and loves going to Grandma and Grandpa's (Bompa and Bompa's) house but she especially looks forward to seeing her cousin Abby and the new Baby Jazz, Wes and Noel's baby. Randomly when our doorbell rings her eyes light up and she asks in a hopeful voice, "Baby Jazz? Abby?" She hides her disappointment well though. She loves all visitors, even my eyelash ladies.

Bentlee has become extremely sensitive in the last couple weeks. When we scold her or tell her no, her hands go up over face and she lets out the most devastating cry. It's almost enough to let her have her way. Almost.

Thanks to her daddy she knows the meaning of the words "gas" and "toot". The other day when we were out running errands I told her that we needed to stop and get gas. For the next five minutes she asked, "Mommy....gas? Mommy....toot?" That was funny because we were within closed doors. What was not so funny was a few days later when we were pulling into a grocery store and I stated that I had to pee. Why I say these things out loud, I don't know- I should have learned my lesson by then.  The whole way into the store Bentlee asked not-so-quietly and in all sorts of inflections, "Mommy pee? Mommy.......pee? Mommy pee! Mommy.........PEE??" I tried shhhing her the whole time which of course only made it worse.

Her Frozen obsession still stands though we've only seen the move once. We listen to some of the songs on YouTube on repeat, however, and the other morning we woke up to her singing "Let it Go" over and over at the top of her lungs. It was great.

Not an hour goes by without us cracking up at something she says or does. She's famous for being naughty and making me want to pull my hair out one minute and making me laugh the next. I know I've said this before, but I will be so sad the day she learns to say certain words the correct way. Right now we are loving the way she says:

Popcorn (pom pom)
Cheese (sheet)
Beans (bean-as)
Toast (toes)
Water (wa-wa)

Without further adieu, here are Bentlee's 2 year pictures by famous Ashley Taylor. I'm in LOVE.(

Oh, and we are REALLY excited because Nana is coming for Bentlee's Elmo party next week!!