Wednesday, February 1, 2012


This cute little baby steals more and more pieces of our hearts every day. I say "our" because even though Kyle mainly just sees her on his lunch breaks, he loves her as much as I do. She is so much fun. She gets so excited to see people-when she gets here in the morning and when Whitney picks her up she does this dog-like pant, like she's so excited she can hardly stand it. She has two adorable teeth and is eating baby food now! She's getting bigger and more independent, yet she's still cuddly and sweeter than ever. She is often content to play on the floor with toys, but she also loves to be held. I take advantage of her sleepy time and rock and cuddle her for a few minutes before I lay her down. There is something so precious about a baby snuggling into your arms. I can't get enough of it! She falls asleep almost on her own now-she just needs a hand to hold, which is just about the sweetest thing in the world. She literally grabs my hand and holds it as tight as she can against her chest and won't let it let go until she's asleep and unaware that I've pulled it away.

She ADORES Kyle, to the point where it's a little obnoxious because she can go from fussy to grinning as soon as she spots him. When he's at home, her eyes never leave him. Kyle walked in today just seconds after I started feeding her her bottle which she started chugging as if she hadn't eaten in days, and suddenly she wanted nothing to do with it. Just wanted to look at him. Not that I can blame her, he's pretty cute. And I guess he is more fun. Today he gave her a disposable tin pan to play with. I would have never thought, "Hey this looks like a fun toy for a 6 month old!" But sure enough, she LOVED it. And I was the mean one who took it away after a few minutes, afraid she would start snacking on it.

All of these pictures are from my phone, hence the quality....

Kyle can't stand to hear Jillian cry. The second she starts to fuss he is there to rescue her. And he's always disappointed to find her sleeping when he comes home, or to find that she has already left when he comes home from work. The other day she woke up from a nap while he was here, but she hadn't slept for very long so I tried putting her back to sleep. I could tell it was killing him, and it made me feel bad enough that I almost gave in and let him get her. But then we noticed she pulled the blanket over her head, and when I went to pull it off, she spotted Kyle and at that point I knew there was no hope. She was wide awake and they were both happy. He is going to be SUCH a great daddy. It melts my heart to watch him with her. Can't wait to see him with his own baby girl!


  1. She is such a doll.....and so much personality!

    I agree. Kyle will be a wonderful Daddy, and you will be a wonderful Mommy too.

  2. Awww, she just keeps getting cuter and cuter. I can't wait to see you and Kyle with your own child either. You are both so awesome with kids. I think of how much you truly love your nieces nephews, and Jillian, and I think "Man, they don't even know what it's like when it's your OWN baby." It's going to rock your world! This little girl coming in April is one lucky lady.

  3. what Steph said.... lol

    Really tho, you guys will be awesome parents, I have no doubt!!
