Friday, December 2, 2011


Per everyone's request, here is a recent photo. I can't promise there will be more where this came from, at least not that I will share. I have been really bad about taking belly pictures because I know if I take them I'll have to show them to people. I do have a 16 week picture on our other camera I took that I need to find.

Having hit my 20 week mark, I feel like I should have more accomplished. The only purchases we have made for the baby (besides a few cute outfits that I couldn't resist) are a blanket for the crib (off of which I am basing my nursery) and a rocker. My very talented sister-in-law is going to help us paint the nursery, which might include a giraffe print wall that I'm really excited about. Hopefully we can start that after Christmas!


  1. You're adorable! But I don't know what you're worried about. I don't think you're very big at all for being half-way there. I'm thinking by the time I was half-way there, people were asking me if I was due any day?!

  2. Holy cute you are. Keep taking pictures. Even if you don't post them for everyone, you will want to show that sweet little girl someday.

  3. ps- I showed Bailee the pic of you and Kyle on the top of your blog and she said, "Kristen and her Daddy!" Ha ha!

  4. Too cute Love your lil bump. Just what Jennifer said when I was half way people would say are u going to pop yet! You look adorable by the way!
