Monday, May 14, 2012


A month has passed and I. can't. believe. it. But it has by far been the best one of our lives. I'm a little sad at how fast the time is flying, but it helps that each day I fall more and more in love with her. Right now she is snuggled up next to me on her belly on the floor and I'm itching to pick her up and squeeze her. She has started smiling for real (!!) which makes her look much happier and that makes me feel better. :) She still has a slight scowl whenever she's sleeping, and she is never very happy to be confined to her carseat, which we may have Aunt Stephie to thank for. They say you can't spoil a newborn but Steph may have proved that to be false. Bentlee LOVES tummy time and usually falls asleep within seconds once we lay her that way. She has been lifting her head since day one (freaked us out when her head jerked up off Kyle's shoulder at the hospital) and while she is getting bigger, she is still just as cuddly. Aside from only a couple of hours in the evening, she is usually asleep most of the day, AND....(I'm seriously afraid I will jinx this) has been sleeping through the night! She has slept 7 hours straight for the last 5 nights. She really is such a good baby. We can't get enough of her!!

I will post more pictures this week, but my bed is calling to me!


  1. Adorable pictures. I love that last one! Makes me want to pick her up bad. Will you Snapfish some when you get a chance, so I can get copies? :)

  2. Oh my gosh!! Seriously she looks SO different already! I'm dying to come see her again!!!

  3. I was going to say the same thing as Mom. She looks so cuddly in the last one. I'm dying! And if I spoiled Bentlee that much in a week, just think what you did to my child when you LIVED with us. Like I said...NO SYMPATHY!!! :)
