Wednesday, December 19, 2012


My baby is 2/3 of a year old! This post will be full of really random pictures and videos because I don't have time to organize them and explain each one. Also, every video and picture I've taken this month has been on my phone so the quality isn't great. Lame, I know.

First, for those who are worried how this little munchkin is doing in a cast, these videos might put you at ease. She started rolling and scooting within 24 hours, and after a few days she got up on her knees, followed by a little crawling an hour later. As sad as her cast still is to us, we can't get enough of watching her drag the heavy thing around with her on our hard wood floor.

Cast or no cast, she is still our happy little "angel baby". She brightens each day with her big grin and happy little attitude. One morning she woke up with a bad cough and stuffy nose. I was worried she would get really sick, but later that day I walked in the room and found her like this:

She still loves her bottles and freaks when she sees them. Here's a little example.

Random pictures and videos  (mostly for my family that never get to see her)


Grandma Max A reindeer brought Bentlee a huge stocking full of gifts for the 12 days leading up to Christmas. She gets to open one a day. So fun! Bentlee shares the candy with mom and dad. :)

Nothing will stop this girl from finding the door stopper every day

Her latest trick is throwing her bottle. Even when I'm helping her hold it she manages to push it up over her head.

Maybe it's just because I'm around her 24/7 but I don't think I've ever met a baby with as much happy energy as she has. It never ceases to amaze me how good-natured she is. All I have to do is say her name and she turns around and grins at me. One of these days I need to get a video of her watching these videos because she loves them. It's hilarious.

She LOVES Baby Einstein. We've been putting it on periodically just to watch her reaction. In this particular video however, she couldn't seem to choose between BE on the computer and the BYU game on our TV.

I can't get enough of this little 8 month old. Every day is better with her apart of it!