Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Comerica Park

I wanted to surprise Kyle with tickets to a Tiger's game but it's actually impossible for my surprises to ever be carried out. He suggested the idea himself before we even left for Michigan. Regardless, it was a fun night. Mitch came with us, and he heard on the radio that Jordan Weiber (US Gymnast/Gold medalist) was throwing the first pitch, which I was super excited about. (The Olmpics had just ended a week or two before that). Well apparently there can be a second "first pitch" and a third  "first pitch" because when they announced the first pitch, a little robot came rolling out. Maybe we would have been impressed had pitching machines never been invented and had we not been expecting Jordan Weiber. But a few minutes later they announced their other (?) "first pitch" and she came strutting out. (She's from Dewitt, MI for those that didn't know)

This last picture may or may not have been taken through my sunglasses :)

Jordan's pitch was terrible. But I still love her. Another pitch (someone from the Navy), a baseball game, 2 hotdogs and a snow cone later, we headed home!

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