Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Lake Michigan

Thanks to Kyle's current job, he was able to work in Michigan so that we could stay longer. Most definitely the fastest 3 weeks of my life. And I made him squeeze in a little fun, after all, it was supposed to be his vacation. Aside from seeing all of my favorite people, my two highlights of the trip were Lake Michigan and Cedar Point. We went to Lake Michigan for the day with my parents and Steph's  family. We checked out a new beach in Saugutuck called Oval Beach. Long gone are my days of relaxing on the beach, but we had fun. We were only there a few hours and it went by too fast. Someone used their body to bait Seagulls, another buried himself in the sand, the girls watched while the boys and Skyler braved the icy water, I got some good action shots of Kyle while he and Mitch tossed around a football, I begged Kyle to take a normal picture without a towel on his head, Skyler helped her dad and Uncle dig a giant hole in the sand that just about gave Nana and Papa heart attacks, I took pictures while forcing Kyle to dip Baby B's feet in the cold water, I read about 2 pages of my book, and we all worked hard at keeping Bentlee out of the sun.

Lake Michigan was my favorite place to go with my family when I was growing up, and I'm excited to take Bentlee back when she is a little older and can better appreciate it!


  1. The picture of Skyler in the hole STILL gives me a heart attack. I had just recently heard a story of sand collapsing and somebody suffocating. No more holes!

  2. Love these pictures. I definitely used all your pictures on my blog, because they were so much better than mine. Loved your summary of the day!
